Feedback Fundamentals: Collect
Welcome to Feedback Fundamentals. As the FBL team gears up for Feedback Summit 2017 (have you gotten your ticket yet?) we’ll be getting back to the basics and highlighting what it means to “
Welcome to Feedback Fundamentals. As the FBL team gears up for Feedback Summit 2017 (have you gotten your ticket yet?) we’ll be getting back to the basics and highlighting what it means to “
In the social services world, feedback has long been a pain point. We often don’t have the time or money to build formal feedback loops into program administration, and we usually gather it from written surveys and informal conversations. The problem is, the forms get filed away in a drawer and the feedback is biased.
With hundreds of thousands of effective nonprofits doing good work
Over the past couple months, I have had the privilege of working with the team at Feedback Labs to develop the Feedback Crash Course–a one-day course designed to equip practitioners with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to close the feedback loop, leading up to the 2017 Feedback Summit in Washington, DC.
In June 2015, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released a flood of information on US nonprofits by making electroni
My name is Nathaniel, and I’m Feedback Labs’s new Media and Communications intern. At school I study English and edit a magazine, and when I started working at Feedback Labs a few w
A few months ago we wrote about what it takes to support the movement around adaptive management – a movement of many names
200 million people in the United States – which includes about 80% of the adult population – are affected by complex health issues. Millions of patients and families deal with the difficult choices surrounding chronic and terminal health…
My name is Rina and I’m Feedback Labs’ new Products Intern.
Feedback Fundamentals is all about building a strong core and realizing a vision of listening to the people you seek to serve.