Feedback Resources

Evidence tells us that high-quality, equitable listening practices lead to more effective and equitable organizational decision-making and improve social outcomes

Do you want to improve how you listen and respond to the people at the heart of your work? Here are useful resources to support your feedback work.

Getting started with feedback


The idea of feedback is beginning to take root in your organization and there are many exciting opportunities for building high-quality, equitable feedback loops into relationships with constituents and organizational decision-making.

Establishing good feedback practice


You have begun to nurture good feedback practice, but still have room to grow as you build regular, high-quality feedback loops into your relationships with constituents and organizational decision-making.

Continuing to grow your feedback knowledge


You have grown a robust feedback practice. You know that when it’s done well, feedback can help strengthen relationships with your constituents and foster greater, more equitable impact in your work. Continue to grow your feedback knowledge by connecting with other feedback practitioners.