Three Things Thursday is an opportunity for feedback innovators to describe three specific rules, suggestions, or best practices from their own feedback work. By sharing these ideas and practices with the greater feedback community, we are building a blog series of examples from the community of feedback being the feasible thing to do. Would you like to share your advice for building and sustaining feedback loops? Drop Roderick a note at [email protected]

3TT: Getting the best feedback from smart citizens

Mapbox Cities works with communities around the globe to encourage data-driven analysis, improve efficiency, and instill resilience. But smart cities don’t exist without engaged citizens. Establishing a constant stream of feedback from citizens, often with the help of digital tools, is key to making cities more efficient and resilient. Even in a technology driven project, feedback loops bring the human factor into the equation.

3TT: No Voice is Left Unheard

Ground Truth Solutions wants affected people’s voices to measure the success of humanitarian programmes. We systematically collect perceptual data that can be translated into actionable recommendations and contribute to programme adjustments. Through collaboration, guidance, and capacity development, Ground Truth acts as a disruptor within the humanitarian sector to center the voices of those we ultimately serve.