LabStorms are collaborative brainstorming sessions where a group of organizations come together to help one organization wrestle with a feedback-related challenge. They operate in Chatham House rule, meaning no information will be tied back to a particular attendee, but in these blogs we share the anonymized major learnings from each session. If you would like to participate in an upcoming LabStorm (either in person or by videoconference), please drop Corey a note via [email protected]
In the past 3 years, homelessness has increased nearly 30% in Austin, Texas. Despite this increase, shelters still operate beneath capacity and sometimes, homeless individuals are seen sleeping on the street next to shelters with empty beds.
Pre-revolution, Ukraine was known for having one of the most corrupt public procurement systems in the world. In response, Transparency International Ukraine, in collaboration with the Open Contracting Partnership and support of the is a mission-driven organization that builds mobile technologies to solve some of the world’s largest social problems. Over the past ten years, they have grown from a scrappy startup of three to a team of 60 spread across three continents.
The Accountability Lab works to encourage a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives.
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI) is a collaborative of leading funders of transparency, accountability, and civic participation (TAP) interventions around the world.
Polaris uses data-driven strategies to prevent and disrupt human trafficking, a $150 billion industry that affects 25 million people worldwide.
VocalEyes is a digital platform to turn ideas into action. A hub for community organizing, community members can gather, suggest new ideas for projects or policy, prioritize and debate them.
Stemming from the traditions of oral history, Memria is a software and services company that has been built to complement existing tools used by nonprofits, advocacy organizations, libraries, and other institutions to enhance their story collection abilities.
The Siegel Family Endowment (SFE) has a relationship-driven approach to grant making. They commit to collaboration with their grantees: beginning each grant cycle co-creating an engagement process, writing the proposal with Program Officers, and facilitating three touch points for feedback throughout the grant period.
Homelessness is a complex problem. In New York City alone there are 128,000 people experiencing homelessness and another 4 million are living below the poverty line. A wide range of city and nonprofit service providers work to …