LabStorms are collaborative brainstorming sessions where a group of organizations come together to help one organization wrestle with a feedback-related challenge. They operate in Chatham House rule, meaning no information will be tied back to a particular attendee, but in these blogs we share the anonymized major learnings from each session. If you would like to participate in an upcoming LabStorm (either in person or by videoconference), please drop Corey a note via [email protected]
Fundación Carvajal has been serving the most vulnerable families in the Cali and Buenaventura regions of Colombia since 1961. The family foundation, which functions as an operating foundation, takes a unique approach to intervention, focusing on trust building and opportunity identification before designing a program. They recognize that overcoming generational poverty requires a comprehensive and sustained strategy – which includes the voices of those they’re trying to serve.
On February 28th, Feedback Labs debuted our first DataStorm! DataStorms, a new stream of our popular LabStorms, are collaborative brainstorming sessions designed to inspire open dialogue around collecting, analyzing, storing, and exchanging feedback data. Facilitators relate lessons and challenges that feedback data may bring in return for thoughtful ideas, suggestions, and informal peer-review from our community.
GlobalGiving, the first and largest global crowdfunding site, has been shifting the power in the philanthropic community since its inception 15 years ago. Annually, GlobalGiving delivers 40 million dollars to over 3,000 nonprofits across 165 countries, and now they’re going further. They brought to a recent LabStorm a pilot program that seeks to bring the organizations and people they serve more directly into the grantmaking process.
“Imagine a ladder with steps from 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst case scenario and 10 being the best; on which step of the ladder do you currently stand?”
Nate Mandel January 25, 2017 At nonprofit organizations, communication is often at the crux of the services being offered. Nonprofit…
At Feedback Labs, we have started investigating the qualities of successful social movements. Among the tactics of the past decade’s most successful advocacy campaign – Marriage Equality – affirmative messaging was the most successful.
At Feedback Labs we talk a lot about closing the loop, but how do you initiate a feedback loop in the first place? Setting yourself and your program up for success starts with smart design. DeCODE (the Global Delivery Initiative’s newest product) is a tool that can help you do just that.
Earlier this year, Feedback Labs hosted Unpack Impact for the first Decolonizing Design LabStorm, where they presented a recipe for a user-centered design process. Jess Rimington and Joanna Levitt Cea of Unpack Impact spent the past few months categorizing these ingredients into actionable, quantifiable steps.
Development Gateway brought the latest phase of their work with the Results Data Initiative to Feedback Labs’ collaborative brainstorming sessions, called LabStorms. Here’s a recap of what happened.
The private sector benefits dramatically by participating in closed feedback loops. Increased involvement in end user design drives increases in innovation, rapid prototyping and higher quality products. This is a (logical) phenomenon that is most obviously observed in the tech sector.