Tools & Training

If you are looking for help strengthening your feedback loops, you have come to the right place! 

Upcoming Trainings

Feedback Crash Course

Thursdays, April 17 – May 8th, 12:30pm – 2:30pm ET



Feedback+Bozeman Crash Course

Tuesday, June 3rd, 9am – 5pm MDT



Feedback Tools Repository

Do you want to improve how you collect and respond to feedback from the people you serve? We know some great feedback tools that can help! All the tools in this repository are cost effective, easy to use, and accessible, and the page helps guide you to the one that matches your needs.

Feedback in the COVID-19 Response

This guide is intended to help organizations working directly with communities affected by COVID-19 best navigate these challenges to truly understand the needs of constituents and how to best serve those needs.

The Feedback Quiz

Where does your organization stand in terms of closing the loop? Join the 700+ organizations that have already taken the quiz to evaluate their feedback performance. In 10-15 minutes, the quiz will tell you what you are doing well, and offer customized resources and recommendations for where you can improve. Your results are confidential, unless you choose to share them.

Feedback Fundamentals

Whether you’re well versed in the jargon or new to the feedback community, this series will introduce you to ideas, frameworks, tools and approaches that we believe are essential for a strong feedback practice. Feedback Fundamentals is all about building a strong core and realizing a vision of listening to the people you seek to serve.

Feedback Resources

Do you want to improve how you listen and respond to the people you seek to serve? Whether you have five minutes to poke around or five days to deep-dive, here are useful resources to help you improve your feedback practice.

The Feedback Crash Course

This interactive workshop will equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools you need to listen and respond to feedback from the people you seek to serve. Understand each step of the feedback loop and learn how to close the loop, hone critical skills for creating buy-in, inviting dialogue and moving to action, and come away with a custom feedback plan tailored to your organization.


LabStorms are collaborative problem-solving sessions designed to help an organization wrestle with a feedback-related challenge, with the goal of providing actionable suggestions. Are you ready to join a conversation?

Personalized Help

The organizations listed on this page are core contributors to the Feedback Labs network and have demonstrated expertise helping organizations improve how they listen and respond to feedback. We hope that one of them can help your organization improve its feedback practice!