Lilly Schorr


Strategy Intern

Lilly Schorr is the Strategy Intern at Feedback Labs. She is responsible for assisting the development of ways to encourage organizations to do a better job of listening and responding to feedback. Prior to Feedback Labs, Lilly completed a summer internship at Crayola on the Sales and Marketing team where she conducted a segmentation data audit for data governance, resulting in reduced product catalog redundancies and better search results across partnered retail algorithms.

Lilly is a junior at Rollins College studying sociology with a focus in data analytics. There, she serves as the director of continuous recruitment for her sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi. In her time as director, Lilly has implemented a new informal recruitment structure and has helped to re-enforce stronger collaboration efforts between executive teams and with other campus organizations. Additionally, Lilly serves as the newest Vice President of Communications and Engagement for the campus Hillel.

In her spare time, Lilly enjoys hiking, scenic photography and reading.

Core Belief

Without collaboration, progress is futile.