Jessica Moy


Summit Programming Coordinator

Jessica Moy is the Summit Programming Coordinator at Feedback Labs. She is responsible for managing and supporting operations, programming, and community engagement related to the annual Feedback+Action Summit.

In addition to Feedback Labs, Jessica’s career journey has taken her far and wide. Starting in the healthcare industry, she was a physical therapist in the clinical setting with a focus on women’s health. From there she found great purpose in doing community and advocacy work centered around communal and interpersonal well-being, and worked on projects from corporate wellness and cultural development to operations and strategy for entrepreneurs of color. All her work has underlined her main passion for creating inclusive spaces where all humans can thrive. 

Jessica received her doctorate in physical therapy and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and College Park, respectively. She has seen firsthand how feedback from patients, clients, staff, and the community can change the trajectory of impact both in the private and public sectors and believes empowering voices is the key to a better world for all. In her spare time, you can find Jessica walking her pup, Yogi, at the yoga and dance studios, and, maybe on TV as she also acts in small projects and commercials.

Core Belief

freedom & love are a practice, not a goal.

Feedback Superpower

reading the story between the words.

Management Mantra

everyone has wisdom, take the time to listen.