Michael Gale


Manager of Field Building

As the Manager of Field Building at Feedback Labs, Michael works with nonprofits and funders to encourage high-quality listening and acting on feedback, including by developing and testing new incentive structures. He has more than 15 years of experience as a grantmaker, program manager, and team leader, including time with the Global Fund for Children, GlobalGiving Foundation, and the Inter-American Foundation. Michael earned his Master’s in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas, has significant experience living and working in Latin America, and recently completed a two-year family sabbatical teaching English in Andalucia, Spain. When not working to strengthen the feedback field, Michael can be found on stage in community theater productions; practicing, performing, or recording music; or rearranging the furniture in his house.

Core Belief

Creating space to build community takes time and intention

Feedback Superpower

Respecting and learning from silence.

Management Mantra

“Managing up” is a teachable skill.