A new version of the Feedback Quiz is now available. This blog lays out what’s changing and why.
Berilee Moussata and Stella Wang | March 24, 2025
The Feedback Quiz serves as a diagnostic tool for nonprofits to reflect on the quality of their feedback practice. The creation of the Quiz was a collaborative effort across Feedback Labs’ network to capture good feedback practices. Since its launch in 2015, the Quiz has been taken over 4,000 times, and at least 700 organizations have used the Quiz to continue to strengthen the quality of their feedback loops.
Now, we are thrilled to announce that the updated Feedback Quiz is now live! Since the launch of the Quiz, the sector’s understanding of quality feedback practices has evolved and become more sophisticated. We want to make sure that the Quiz accurately reflects these advancements and the latest best practices in the field. Over the past few months, we’ve been working with collaborators from across our network to refine the Quiz to better reflect our evolving understanding of quality feedback practices. This update aims to provide you with a more comprehensive and refined way to assess your organization’s feedback practice.
Here’s three main ways the feedback field’s understanding of high quality feedback loops has evolved, and that we are reflecting in the new version of the Quiz:
1. High-quality feedback must be in service of equity.
The feedback field as a whole increasingly recognizes that high-quality feedback must be equitable in both its intent and its execution. As Fund for Shared Insight lays out in its Equity Principles, high-quality listening and feedback in service of equity not only drives substantial improvements within nonprofit and philanthropic organizations but also cultivates more meaningful and equitable connection between constituents, nonprofits, and funders. We’ve updated the Quiz to highlight equitable feedback practices in each stage of the feedback loop, drawing on Shared Insight’s principles, Listen4Good’s guide to building high-quality feedback loops that center equity, and the experiences of organizations across our network.
2. Certain practices are particularly important for high-quality feedback loops.
Listen4Good collaborated with ORS Impact, Fund for Shared Insight, Feedback Labs and other members of the Irritants for Change to gain a deeper understanding of what specific feedback practices contribute the most to high-quality feedback loops. The research pointed to four areas of practice that are highly correlated with nonprofits gaining insights, making changes, and seeing impact from feedback. These clusters were: good data collection, investing in making meaning of the data, making feedback loops participatory rather than extractive, and closing the loop. Drawing from these insights, we have enriched the Quiz by introducing additional options that highlight these vital practices.
3. Improving the quality of nonprofit listening practice requires on-going support and investment.
We’re also adding to the Quiz based on insights from a complimentary feedback assessment too, How We Listen. How We Listen provides nonprofits with an opportunity to share reflections of their feedback practices on their Candid profile, gain higher ratings on Charity Navigator’s Encompass ratings system, and access resources to help them improve how they listen to the people at the heart of their work. Since its launch in October 2019 more than 31,000 nonprofits have completed How We Listen. In looking at their responses, we’ve recognized the importance of not solely asking about a nonprofit’s feedback practices but also how they invest in improving the quality of their listening practices over time. This realization prompted us to expand the scope of the Quiz by including additional questions that ask about a nonprofit’s internal structures that support high-quality listening, like hiring for feedback skills, training staff in effective listening, and ensuring senior leaders role-model the importance of high-quality feedback.
Throughout the process of updating the Quiz we have been committed to reflecting the progress that the feedback field as a whole has made in understanding what high-quality feedback practice means. We are incredibly grateful to our community for their insights and engagement, which have been instrumental in shaping the Quiz’s transformation. The new version of the Quiz is now live, and we encourage you to try it out and see how it can help enhance your organization’s feedback practices. If you have any feedback on the updated Feedback Quiz, please email Alexis at [email protected].
Explore the new quiz today, and don’t forget to share this exciting update with your peers!