Feedback Commons is an inexpensive, easy to operate, all-in-one tool for continuing real-time engagement, learning and improving. It turns constituent experience into data that brings issues to the surface so they can hold authentic, problem-solving conversations in which constituent groups learn and improve together. The Commons enables people with no specialist experience to collect feedback data through micro-surveys, manage their data in one place, analyze and share results in clear, comparative charts that almost anyone can understand. 

Fast Facts

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Electronic surveys (Micro-surveys, online link, smartphone/tablet,) Paper Surveys
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Tool Accessibility

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English and Multiple Languages


“How do we know if the people are better off, whether they gain or lose from our projects? The answer is to ask them. They are the experts on their own condition.”

Robert Chambers

“If private markets can produce the iPhone, why can’t aid organizations create and implement development initiatives that are equally innovative and sought after by people around the world? The key difference is feedback loops.”

Dennis Whittle

“Through this report you proved that you do appreciate the ideas and comments of your funders, clients, and partners. Your request and insistence on comments clarifies and proves your caring and attention for your partners, whether they are closely or lightly related to you.“

Past Client

Feedback Commons can help you in the following stages of your feedback journey:

Designdown arrow

We work with clients to design a custom private ‘neighborhood’ with a customized survey builder tool, a survey manager, and data explorer tool. Good custom design means the whole process can be made very simple. Almost any NGO staff member or manager can do everything they need to operate vibrant real-time learning loops with constituent groups.

Collectdown arrow

Each user has a customized survey builder with pre-selected standard questions (to enable benchmarking of responses) as well as the ability to add custom questions. Users can choose to collect data through online links, smartphone/tablet, or paper. A survey manager tool keeps all surveys in one place, and enables users to explore specific surveys, combine multiple surveys and to do time series comparisons.

Analyzedown arrow

Default data analysis options are simple yet powerful. Specific survey results are automatically benchmarked against average scores for that question. Built-in benchmarks and time series comparison are the best way to understand what ‘good’ is, and incentivise action to improve. On request, the FC can provide anonymous external benchmarks for standard questions from Keystones database of over 170 INGOs and Foundations.

Dialoguedown arrow

At the click of a button all charts are saved as photos for easy importing into reports, posters, electronic communications or other media. Localized reports can be created for community dialogue and problem-solving. Or data can be aggregated to reveal wider patterns of feedback.

All Stagesdown arrow

Keystone offers a range of generic and customized guidelines to using the FC for each stage of the feedback cycle.

The Details

What makes this tool so unique is that it is an all-in-one, easy to use DIY designed to foster continuing two-way communication and collaborative action. Learn more:

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Method and Tool Accessibility

With a custom built neighbourhood, the FC is a DIY tool that enables almost any staff to do anything they need to to operate vibrant real-time learning loops. The FC also offers a range of free ‘sectoral’ survey options that allow users to create surveys from a mix of standard and custom questions relevant to their sector. They have access to the full range of analysis and sharing tools.

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Everything you see on the site is free. A custom neighbourhood requires upfront investments of $2,000-20,000. Annual subscriptions for custom neighborhoods, which include basic remote support, start at about $1,000. Subscription fees increase by survey numbers and the level of remote support.

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Feedback Commons’ services and tools can be used anywhere and at any time by anyone.

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The Feedback Commons is currently available in English. Within a custom neighbourhood the surveys can be built in any language provided by the user.

Learn more

Case Studies

Read about the impact of listening and feedback through Feedback Commons in these short case-studies:


The tools in Keystone’s Feedback Management System are based on over 10 years’ experience working with over 200 organizations. Over this time, we have learned a few tricks that are easy and really work. They are built into the tools and guides in this toolkit.

Featured on the Feedback Labs site


Ready to work with Feedback Commons?

Check out their site here or contact Keystone Accountability here.